Thursday, March 7, 2019


Sub - Idea implementation :

> After Harry Potter Cloak project, I couldn't help but explore more of Open CV which is when I encountered mouse events in Open CV.
> This is when I had my second idea in mind - to be able to accept mouse events and use it for perspective projection. Kinda like selected area has a perspective that goes away from the screen, which you will "rectify" and project it directly to the screen. Pretty cool idea to think of when u want to scan docs (as seen in CamScanner app).

Steps were pretty clear and simple:
> Accept co-ords of mouse pointer using callback function, keep track of the points.
> Color those locations to sort of make it readable.
> Also, explored options where user could delete the points set (by pressing 'd' key, Basically you can have various events).
> Lastly, ask Open CV to get the perspective projection matrix that transformed selected area to the screen (rectangular co-ord which u would have set in the beginning).
>And do this while Video captures ur live feed.

The result:

> Mouse events to keep track of pointer's co-ords.
> Several other events that you can listen to. (try dot/line trails while live feed, pretty fancy it was)
> Perspective projection of custom area as selected by the mouse.
